Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Lake Chelan schools see enrollment boost, defying state trend


CHELAN – School enrollment numbers in the face of declining numbers statewide were among the leading back-to-school topics of interest at the meeting of the Lake Chelan School District Board on August 26. 

Superintendent Brad Wilson addressed this year’s project enrollment figures with the following estimates:

  • Morgen Owings Elementary (MOE) - 471
  • Chelan Middle School (CMS) - 289
  • Chelan High School (CHS) -  459
  • Chelan School of Innovation (CSI) - 17
  • Chelan Digital Academy (CDA) - 25

“We will know after Sept. 4, what our official enrollment count is,” said Wilson, “So many districts across the state are facing enrollment declines.”

After deducting 24 WVC Running Start students – apportioned to WVC - from the estimated 1,261 FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) students this year, the net enrollment is 1,237.

“Our budget was built of 1,210 this year, so we should be safely above what we budgeted for,” said Wilson. “But the reality is it is 25 less than where we ended last year.”

Chelan ended last with 1262 FTE.

Another trend Wilson is watching is Kindergarten enrollment numbers as a future indicator.

An interesting statistic Wilson touched on is the “choice” students.

“Definitely way more new students moving into our district than are moving out,” said Wilson. “We have 94 more choice students… it brings us additional funding and helps elevate all of our programs when you have students who are choosing that they want to be in your district.”

Choice in: 135

  • Manson - 64
  • Entiat - 28
  • Orondo - 22
  • Pateros - 13
  • Mansfield - 2
  • Waterville - 2
  • Brewster - 2
  • Eastmont - 1
  • Wenatchee - 1

Choice out: 41

  • Manson - 26
  • Orondo - 3
  • Pateros - 1
  • Wenatchee - 3
  • Omak SD – WAVA  - 2
  • Quillayute SD – Insight - 2
  • Valley SD - 4

Crosswalk safety

MOE Principal Erin Morin thanked the city for adding more crosswalks near the schools.

“Thank you to the City of Chelan for hearing our concerns for the safety of our kids,” said Morin. “We will now have two crosswalks.”

At a June council meeting, Public Works Director Jake Youngren detailed the new safety additions during a review of the city’s six-year Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP).

“Currently, we have a crosswalk that is heavily used by students of Chelan Middle and High School and in close proximity to a corner that does not provide a great line of sight,” said Youngren. “The solution is to provide safety measures to align the trail with the intersection and provide advance warning on the bridge through a push-activated rapid flashing beacon so vehicles will be aware of crossing pedestrians.”

Goat Night & speaker

Athletic Director Even Reister extended an invitation to attend Goat Night, the school’s second annual Meet the Goats at 6 p.m. Wednesday night, August 28, at Sargent Field to meet Chelan High School’s 2024 fall sports athletes: representing football, volleyball, cross country, girls soccer, and cheer.

Reister also announced a Sept. 11 speaking engagement featuring newly retired AD Dave Tikker, a Washington State and WIAA Hall of Fame AD, who will focus his talk on the value of education-based athletics. That will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the high school PAC.

In other business the board approved a WIAA agreement that will allow Entiat girls’ soccer players to join the Chelan team. At this writing that is just one player.

“That is the plan,” confirmed Reister. “We are hoping more than one shows up but talking to their AD we should have 1-5 athletes.”

Mike Maltais: 360-333-8483 or


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